ABC Blog 10: Goodreads #authorblogchallenge


Wow we’re up to prompt number 10. Goodreads!!!! Yep I’m there – Ashley Howland. I have to admit I haven’t done much more than add books and join a few groups. When I have done reviews for my Stitch Says blog I have posted them on to Goodreads as well. However the recent webinar I did was all about amazon and goodreads. So I will be doing more on both. I can see the value. Basically I need to be more active in groups and also with reviews. I am happy to interview and review any author, particularly children’s authors because that’s what I write. This will be part of my plan for the year. Once this challenge is complete I will revisit my marketing plan with a wealth of extra knowledge. Which is why such challenges are good ideas. I have connected with some people on Goodreads and will do so with more in the next few weeks, so come and join me!

I will also catch up on my blog reading tonight. I haven’t forgotten you all, getting there. It’s been a massive long weekend and a stinky, sweaty hot one too!!!! Yuck, you know the whole feeling of having a shower, trying to dry yourself off, only to start sweating instantly. Yep it’s been one of those, pretty sure any other bloggers from anywhere in Australia at the moment know exactly what I am talking about. Cool change due thursday, as much as I love summer, enough already… Bring it on!

Despite the heat we went to the zoo yesterday, lots of fun. I am now writing two picture books with my girls – Crazy the Cheetah for the little one and Racy the Rhino for the big one. While I have lots of things to do I write because of my kids, so I would never say no to writing with them.They are also doing scrap-book pages, this time its the painted dogs and the lions, check out the shots we got yesterday!!! OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA
Must get on with it, they haven’t learnt patience yet!!! Until tomorrow – have fun!

Blog 1: Energising!!! #NaBloPoMo

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Magic the Meerkat

Mmm where's my lunch?

Mmm where’s my lunch?

Happy new year everyone, hope you all started 2013 with a clear head and a healthy outlook. This year we decided to do something different, usually we would have quite a few drinks on new years eve and then be grumpy in the morning when the kids woke us up at 6:30. Not the best way to start the year off. So last night, we had one or two drinks, did see some fireworks, but got up this morning in a much better frame of mind. We took the kids to Monarto Zoo! It certainly wasn’t crowded, but it was refreshing to see some other families there too. We saw the baby rhino, cheetah and chimpanzee. We also watched the five lionesses set up an ambush, possibly for a poor unsuspecting fox! It was a really great start to the year, plus no grumping at the kids.
So what does this all have to do with energy? Well today as the first day of the NaBloPoMo the topic is where do you get your energy? It’s simple, the kids. They have such a great outlook on life. They sleep well, eat well and play well. I think those three things are sometimes fogotten as adults. Sure we have more pressure on us, there’s work, housework, family, constant committments, but our lives are so much better if we keep things in perspective. That’s my new year’s resolution anyway. Yes I will be taking the kids to all their sport, working (possibly even full time), fitting in my own sport, exercise, eating well, keeping a tidy house and yes editing and writing more books!!!!! Yep all that, so I need plenty of energy for the year. I’m going to take a leaf out of the kid’s book, eat well, sleep well and play well. Speaking of which I’m sure the kids and dogs are keen to go to the park – until tomorrow, have fun!!!

Day 10 Never Work with Animals and Kids!

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So you’re probably getting sick of the dogs by now – but they are such a big part of my life I thought I’d share some stories. Working with animals and children is supposed to be a big no. However it’s so much fun! Well most of the time. When the kids are actually responsible for the dogs then it’s fun. On the other paw, so to speak, it’s not so much fun when the kids take the dogs for granted. I guess the problem is our dogs are so good the kids just expect them to do the right thing. In reality the dogs like to let their hair down too. So sometimes we get storiess to tell that are funny after the event.

Tasia, Tug, Rigger, Obi and Stitch ready to start work at Labs ‘n Life

For example I once sent a child off to find another student who hadn’t arrived. I told them to take their dog and made sure they had a bag to pick  up anything if required. Well this dog unfortunately had to go and dropped one in the middle of the science lab. The kid, not so responsible, looked around, didn’t think she got caught and ran. Well they had a fun science lesson, meanwhile the student was sent back to clean up!

Today I had kids working their dogs quite well, quite responsibly. When it started to pour and hail. Now no one wants to be around wet dogs, and no one wants to work in hail. So I asked the kids to take the dogs to the classroom while I grabbed the gear. Of course all the gear needed to be collected. The students were unsupervised for five minutes. So they decided to let the dogs off the leads in the room. Our dogs are all friends,  but give them and opportunity and they will make the most of it. They certainly did, crazy dog play is fun to watch! However not so fun when they spill out into other classrooms! Arrrrggghhhh! I tell you I don’t think the saying should be never work with animals and kids. It should be never work with kids!!!! Ha, well okay I do actually love my job and most of the kids are great every session. We all have our moments though! Until next time – have fun!